
I missed a day yesterday but thank you for the love for the blue and the rope!  I think I was traumatised by having the blood pressure thingy attached for 24 hours-  only 2 hours sleep were achieved with all that whirring and pressurising going on. Anyway, the good news is I'm normal! Well verging on  normal, I just need to cut down on salt a little, This is the  bad news for I adore salt. Abstaining from salt on my cheese on toast today Himself was shocked that I even contemplated putting any on it! Salt and ......  porridge/mashed potatoes/brussel sprouts/dhal .....

And what an amazing film we enjoyed last night at arthouse (chips taken with just the teeniest bit of salt) - The Rider - a real rodeo roller coaster based on true events - beautifully shot,  immaculately acted and profound and moving. I spent most of the film wondering how on earth they managed to find an actor who could ride so well and had such an empathy with horses. Worth waiting for the credits where it all fell into place and made it even more extraordinary.

Himself has been stacking logs and I have been slaving over my talk - attempting to beat it into submissions and make it interesting and riveting. Ho hum. A walk was needed. The weather has been so much nicer than forecast and the sky and sea was looking alluring but I loved the copper canopy over the Tin Pub. Once the dancehall for the big house (Mr Norton's place) it was put onto a cart and moved up by the road sometime in the 1930s. It is made out of tin and boasts one tiny room, a bar, a snug with a log burner and some dodgy loos. It also had an incredibly scenic and extensive beer garden overlooking the sea.Closed for the winter this has been the venue of many enjoyable and eccentric evenings. We don't go so much now but were once regulars. One of the most hilarious evenings ever was enjoyed here (sorry if you've heard this before but it makes me laugh everytime I think about it). I think I was with TJ and it was packed. We were all slightly gidding listening to an exceptionally bad English band slaughter some well known trad Irish tunes- they had brought the song book on the ferry. When up stepped a Sikh in full traditional gear who proceeded to dance and play a small drum - to a completely different tune!  Hilarity was rising when in came Graham Norton followed by a posse of impossibly gorgeous young men in pink cashmere! Just an ordinary night in the Tin Pub. We have enjoyed some amazing music in there - Christy  Moore, someone from the Pogues (no not him), Mary Coghlan and Damien Dempsey who belted it out as though he was in a stadium - oh, and an Australian rock star who had his own roadie, who kept us waiting 2 hours then sung a song about the kingdom (Kerry) - more riotousness ensued! There have been dancing, weddings and wakes and once we got a whole samba band in there! It's on the list of places to visit  if you're in West Cork apparently. Who would think it! Getting nostalgic now!

A bit of Damien

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