
By sas05

hold on my heart

my luuuverly missus picked this one out today out of the small batch offered...well what a day of contrasts today was... this morning was spent in the company of our lovely friend caught in a horrid place...gut wrenching stuff...this afternoon was spent putting the christmas decs up and doing my yearly contribution of christmas art .. my hangy down thingy from the ceiling,, done a piccie last year and put it facebook to wit one of my friends only comment was WTF ?? so i took that as a positive of course... we have those rubber santa things that stick on the windows... as i was doing my blip it unpeeled itself from the window and slapped on the floor,, did sound like a cowpat hitting the floor.. so that investment of 6 quid was wasted..
Had an invite from a Band that i saw and photographed some time ago ..theyve invited me to photograph their gig in poole on saturday nite,, im thrilled bout that,, my first "professional" job..ive made the guest list !! theres a first time for everything !! Thanks Alan and the band Pick Floyd.
this evening went out for a bite to eat and a drink on one of those weve been married for 20 years but lets do a date type thing again... yeah ,, works for me !!
now starts seven hard days three nite shifts.. saturday down in poole followed by three more days of rest for the wicked and man im wicked.. sleep is for the weak..

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