Where the Light Gets In

By DHThomas

Inland Seas

up in the wheelhouse --
in the distance a pole looms
will we avoid it

A grey, wet day. Happy I didn't have to venture out. I like those days, especially now that I'm working from home. I imagine I'm on a ship at sea, navigating the fields around the house.

The fact that I'm currently reading Catherine Poulain's Le Grand Marin (The Tall Sailsman) might be playing a bit of a role in my romanticising the weather, mind you. It's a great story: a young Frenchwoman leaves her home in Provence to go and fish cod in Alaska. Lots of adventures, of course, the hardships of life and work at sea, and then (or so I've heard, I've not reached that part yet, although I'm past page 150) love. I suspect I know who will be involved...

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