
By Leiflife

I'm Back... Sort of...

Mama says that in this picture I look like I'm on another planet. She says I sometimes act like I'm on another planet. This is because I act like a cannot hear her. I listen when we are doing something fun. But frankly, I get tired of being told what and when to do things. Since we started puppy obedience school, we practice more than we used to. The same old words start to blur together. Her sweet voice becomes not so sweet. To be honest, I think she gets just as bored as I do. 

Today we danced together. And she said the words occasionally, but mostly she moved in interesting patterns and held a treat in her hand. I followed the treat, but mostly i just loved dancing with Mama. And we were definitely on the same planet while we were dancing. 

In the extra, I am looking love-eyes at Mama. She says it is my tender look.

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