What's on my desk/ desktop?

- Sudafed to help clear a bunged up nose.
- A zoom lens that I took out of my camera bag at the weekend.
- Small cards from Alice Fox that came with an artists book that I ordered.
- A mixed media print that I may get round to putting back up on the wall - not one I'll sell but it has bits in it that I quite like.
- Glasses, which I'm always losing and which I can't see close-up without!
- The start of my new blog on Wordpress - part of my online package which I'm setting up to try and sell prints online. (Early days yet - I'll advertise when I've got more stuff on it.)

The bad news: I've got a rotten cold - worse than I've had for a long time.
The good news: I've heard from Cymbeline and PCC that I won a medal from Photography with Pixels NZ I'm delighted as I wasn't expecting anything - I still don't know any more though!

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