
By aragon69


This weekend we remember the fallen form all wars, but in particular those that were slaughtered in WW1. 
The next village up from us put on some really interesting and thought provoking events to commemorate 100 years since the ending of WW1. One of the events was to play a football match and then a flyby from a biplane dropping poppies, followed by a rendition of Silent Night all of which was very moving and well attended. 
This photo is of the poppies drop, alas it was a bit of a grey day so have had a little play in Photo shop. 
I Also found this poem that I rather liked by Margaret Postgate Cole entitled The Falling Leaves

Today, as I rode by,
I saw the brown leaves dropping from their tree

In a still afternoon,

When no wind whirled them whistling to the sky,

But thickly, silently,

They fell, like snowflakes wiping out the noon;

And wandered slowly thence

For thinking of a gallant multitude

Which now all withering lay,

Slain by no wind of age or pestilence,

But in their beauty strewed

Like snowflakes falling on the Flemish clay.

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