
I spent part of this Father's Day outdoors due that this was the only non-scheduled day in two weeks. I went to explore a new area 4 km's from my home and behind of local golf club. Golf season here is over already, so it was peaceful to explore the area with time.

That golf course is selected the most beautiful in Finland and in extra image you can see one snapshot of the reason. Even the day was grey and light was dull, I can easy imagine why golf players like the area. You can see a summer time video of the area here.

I found many nice lakescapes, beaver nest and an abandoned summer cottage having many outhouses. Very interesting place and these purple doors were the most picturesque. Now I only need to find some information of that cottage, as it was very unusual due of that many buildings and other structures in the yard. I observed that only beavers have been cutting off trees in the yard lately, so maybe I shall try get some photos of them as well. The huge beaver nest was 50 meters from the cottage.

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