Into The Unknown

By lindastuff


What a day! I absolutely love going up to London. I delivered my pots to Contemporary Ceramics (opposite the British Museum) and was so relieved when lovely Marta and Claire said they really liked them. Then I had a yummy lunch in the Crypt restaurant before going to the national Gallery to see Seduced By Art- Photography Past and Present. A fantastic exhibition and well worth a visit.
On leaving the gallery I walked smack into this demo- all young men shouting and blowing their car horns- all testosterone driven- not a woman in amongst them. I asked a passer by what was going on and she thought it was Albanians protesting about not being allowed to stay in the country..... Did they all have the day off work?!!!!'
As it was all kicking off I quickly took this, ( my one and only bit of photojournalism ever) and made a hasty retreat back to Waterloo.

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