Big Fat Wiggly Ones

Today i had cause to come home for a while in the middle of the Day. 

I decided to feed the birdies while I was there, because there were a lot of them about in the garden. 

I've resorted to putting the bird food on the roof of Cosmo Cottage, because Bean cat things when I fill the bird feeders, I am enabling  her to catch birdies easier. 

I was careful to watch where I went today - on Saturday i did the same thing, and fell backwards off the step and landed on my arse on the grass. 

So I set the food on the roof, climbed carefully back down, and went and sat up stairs to try and capture a shot of one of the many birdies around. 

 And I sat, and I sat and I sat. 

They flew back and forth, sat on the hedge, sat on the fence, sat on the tree, but not one of those wee buggars sat on the roof, or even attempted to pick up a worm on the way past. 

I couldn't wait - i had to go back to work. 


But the Ivy looks nice

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