Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


Henry is enjoying sticking his tongue out at the moment as seen in today's blip. He spends a lot of time sticking it out, stroking it and trying to pull it out and blowing raspberries with it.

We had a reasonable night with several 4hr blocks of sleep - despite the horrible cough! He had a reasonable day at nursery - didn't eat anything but had a 1.5hr nap and came home covered in glitter! He's been saying "yeah" a lot today, said "bye" to his keyworker and kept pointing at cars on the drive home saying "car" and giggling.

Tomorrow is my last day on neonates, and it's a half day because I had 3.5 days of leave to use up. The house is still tidy so it means I have an afternoon to myself to work on Christmas presents - can't wait.

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