aging hippy

By aginghippy

The Day After

Similar shot from yesterday's camera position.
We finally had about 5 inches of snow. What a difference a day makes.
Thanks for all the cool comments yesterday. Truly appreciated.


[ For the blipper who emailed me and said that I had manipulated yesterday's photograph " awa n' bile yer heid "

The photograph, as today's, was taken with a 400mm about 80 yards from the end of the fence.
In between the lens and the distance was 80 yards of heavy snow falling. The snow acts a s a natural softening filter so manual focus is a must as there is so much snow in between lens and subject.

Compare to today when the air is crystal clear.

It's great when blippers enjoy my work and I can sometimes raise a smile or two, or else simply enjoy the photograph. That's why I blip.
I also mention if the photograph has been altered in any way. To that blipper who insulted my integrity, just stop following and emailing me please and keep your nasty assumptions to yourself ]

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