What a night/ day

After our dinner out to celebrate Ella’s birthday last night we came home , had some cake,(yummy) and all was good.

But actually it wasn’t.
David has had a painful leg for a few days, he has terrible varicose veins and he was worried about a blood clot.
So at 9.3o pm we went to the Emergency Doctors in town, waited 3 hours to be seen( every baby in Christchurch seemed to come in and was prioritised before others), finally saw Doctor at midnight, she took it seriously and had David have urgent blood tests to sort out which dose of drugs to use , had to wait hours for that results .
Ella and I went home at 1 am, Dave came by taxi at 3am.
He had to go back for ultrasound this morning that confirmed a clot!
So then it was to his own GP for treatment, injections etc for a few days.
Dave’s dad died of a blood clot during surgery so he had always been reluctant to have surgery himself.

Now he just wants them sorted.

We are all pretty tired!
I blipped these happy Pansies earlier for a bit of brightness in the day.

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