Pink Bicycle Girl

By angelahen

Novelty wearing off

I think me and this swan (tried very hard not to wake him), feel the same about the floods, although my diverted route is faster - its more unpleasant. I stopped on the Embankment again this morning just see what was happening. The river has risen again slightly.

The rest of the day, naff appraisal - how it was conducted really - I suppose that's what I get for having a staff development background. Then found out I, and all the TA's were being regraded - UP and the back pay would be in my December pay - yippeeee. A bit worried as I will start to pay tax etc and don't know if I will see any advantage in my pocket. Ended the day with meeting Louis in town and bought him some clothes. Oh I love shopping with him - he knows what he likes and is decisive - unlike his little bro!

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