Now look what I've got myself into!

My Mam made wonderful Christmas puddings and when I found her recipe some years ago I was over the moon and had to make some.  To cut a long story short, I found myself splattered by dried fruit, nuts and other ingredients as I tried to reach the food mixer to switch it off, with only about a third of the quantity in it.  That was when I realised just how many puddings she made!  
Another Blipfriend suggests that I should try again.  I found the recipe again today and carefully divided the quantities by four as I added them to the bowl.  That is, until I added the sugar and flour and then I forgot!!!!   The only thing to do was to increase all the other ingredients to the orginal quantities and find a bigger bowl.  So, now we have 3 x 2lb and 2 x1 lb Christmas puddings steaming away for eight hours.   I wont be making any more.

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