We went to lunch in Sitges.  Naomi had lovely mussels.  Whilst we were eating someone sat down at the next table and then left a few minutes later.  Unbeknown to us (until we went to leave) that person had made off with Naomi's handbag: purse, a hefty amount of cash, credit cards, phone the whole kaboodle. The restaurant staff were appalled, but they still took payment (from my credit card) for the meal.  We went to the local police station and reported the theft, though the police treated it only as an administrative process.  They advised us to look in the local bins in case the thief had taken the cash and dumped the bag.  We did, he hadn't. I got online.  They had tried to use the VISA card at an ATM, but it had been blocked after three wrong PIN entries.  They tried also with the Irish bank card with the same result.  We called the French bank and cancelled the French banker's card (it is so difficult to speak on the phone in a second language when you are totally stressed, but we managed it).  We phoned the phone company from my phone and blocked the phone, so there is not much they can do to us.  They have some personal information from Naomi's driving licence, but not enough, I hope, to attempt identity cloning.  We will watch out for any attempt at that.  So, our lovely unwinding trip to Sitges ends in a bad way.  Adrenalin and cortisol levels are sky high, but we are alive and unscathed.

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