Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


Last year the lights went out on the lighthouse. I emailed the local councillor to ask who was responsible for it. He gave me a name and I emailed them. It was a shame to see the lighthouse in darkness as that is what is unique to the area. I never got a reply. Then last week the lights went on, and according to one write up it was due to local demand. It changes colour every few seconds.

I went out for a coffee after work and ended up sharing a table with a man. As I read, he asked me if it was a good book and what was it about. We ended up chatting for a while, talking about a variety of things. We talked about our jobs; he was a part time business studies teacher , and works in a record company. He left and I continued to read my book. 5 mins later he came back and gave me a CD that his company had produced 'The Broons Gold Collection'. 5 CD's of music. Sadly I thought of Grandma; she would have loved the Golden Greats CD :( 
I really enjoyed the chat, it's rare that kind of thing happens. 


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