Being Transparent.

Went to the gym this morning, and Jill, was chatting to Vic,( the guy from London) and he told her he had been married four times. Maybe that's why he moved down:-)  I knew that Des had been married twice, and he told us today, that he has seven children. Jill said, what's your name Des Rabbit? Much laughter ensued. My next stop was at Open Church, the first time I have been for four weeks, so it was time for a big catch up. The heating is broken, so it was freezing, but thankfully it's  going to be repaired on Monday. I then walked into town, did some shopping, and caught the bus home, J had arrived home before me, so it was a quick change, and  then down to Aberkenfig, to pick up our wages, and Simon, the manager told us about his holiday in Japan. He was so impressed, he is going back next year.

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