River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Robin & Honey Bee

A beautiful day from the start, clear blue sky and very warm, around 17°C.
MrD went for an early swim, then went on his motorbike into the mountains and had an enjoyable day.
I spent all morning in the garden, garden waste bin emptied tomorrow so I pruned the apple tree at the side of the garage and the cotoneaster behind the garage, also pulled up some sedge which was taking over. Cleared leaves and soil from flagstones near the back wall, the robin was impatient for me to finish so it could root around for snacks!
So sunny that the Mahonia had lots of honey bees and a few bumble bees foraging in the flowers.
Transplanted Doronicum in the greenhouse and started off 2 varieties of tree collard, member of cabbage family http://projecttreecollard.org and some skirret seeds. All the leeks, chicory and flower seeds I sowed a few weeks ago have germinated and are doing fine.
Nice chat with The Sailor this afternoon ...

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