Preschool Visit

14th November 2108:

Children in Malawi don't go to primary school until they are six.
By then it is too late for many poor, rural children , who then never get to school at all.

Way back in 2007 we began this move to work with rural women to start this Preschool movement because they asked us. Now we support 75 such magic places and are working with fifty more groups of women in an new area, Mbangweni, where the women have tried by doing their best but neither Government or the Aid Brigade, have ever managed to give them even a day's training in over ten years.

Our amazing women have had two training visits and things are on the move. Training will come first to get these women confident and moving. Buildings will come later.

Here you see Cristina with our ladies on a training day. Cristina brought the balloons and the stars.

I'm sure they had a ball

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