Beauty is only Skin Deep.

Mentioned yesterday l was going for my beauty consultation and a few of you showed interested in what went on.
A few weeks ago l said to Rebecca that l wished l could get some help with my make up routine to bring it up to date.
But l didn’t want to just to go to one make up brand as l like to mix and match what l use both in price and brand.
She told me about a new service being tried at the department store in Leeds where she works (whose initials areJL).
You book an appointment with their Beauty Guide Consultantants and l spent 90 minutes explaining all my problems and preferences including underactive thyroid resulting in losing nearly all my eyebrows and eyelashes, an allergy to anything with glitter and my wish to look as natural as possible.
Because l’ve recently embraced my grey and curly hair from forty year of it being dark blond and straightened l needed a whole new colour palette too.
So we began with my skin and the the lovely girl who looked after me went with my information to different agencies and brought back a selection of items to try and discuss.
Then she taught me how to apply it.
Went through this for eyes and lips and then she wrote down all the items l had liked.
You do pay for this consultation (£35) but the whole amount is redeemed against anything you buy, so if you need any new make up like l did it means the consultation is free.
Loved what we did together, learned lots of tips l would never have thought of and was very pleased with the new me.
Think l’ve mentioned this is just a trial in the Leeds and Cambridge stores but l think it’s a winner!

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