Hubert's companions

We decided to move Hubey in with the other bunnies, he was looking so miserable. I am struggling to go into the bunny room since Kiki left, I can only imagine how it feels for him not having her there. He has been very subdued, he's been sitting on his own a lot, but the other buns haven't minded having him there too much at all. He's had a few face lickings from them, although I'm not sure he knows what to make of the whole situation. I didn't like seeing him sitting on his own in the bun room, he seemed so down and as much as it feels too soon for me, Hubey will be better if he can be bonded with new companions. Rabbits are naturally sociable animals and Hubert has never been on his own his entire life. It always amazes me the people who say animals don't have emotions or understand loss, Hubert most certainly does. It's painful for me to see him like this, I hope he regains his spark soon and that the others accept him and help him to be happy again. Hubert is the only one not lying down in this pic, I think it'll be a while before he's back to his usual laid back self.

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