Transforming this to ?

Today marked the start of this years Sculpture Symposium where, over the course of the next week sculptors work in the grounds of the Arts Village. The winning piece becomes part of the City's art collection while the others form part of the City's sculpture trail for the next two years.  I find it fascinating to watch the artists work and their pieces take shape.  They can choose to work with Taranaki Andesite (volcanic rock) Oamaru stone or macrocarpa wood. Today's main blip and the extras are each using the Taranaki  Andesite which is the most popular medium.  I hope to drop in and record some of the progress during the week.  Health and safety were much more in evidence today than last time with masks being handed out to those watching and other protection available if needed. It was dusty when they were grinding but standing upwind (breeze) it was fine. The theme this year i s Nga Wai o Rotorua - The Waters of Rotorua. 

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