
The morning dog walk took us past this little ruin. The original rector knew Capability Brown who may have influenced the original landscaping, damming a brook to make this pool and inserting a summerhouse, pumphouse (I believe that's this ruin) and an icehouse. Poppydog thanks them very much; she thoroughly enjoyed her dip in the freezing water having paddled down the valley in the stream.

The blip was taken before the weather took a downward turn. By the time I'd finished a little necessary shopping the light had gone and monotonous, cold rain had started too; LH returned from golf chilled to the bone and I was heartily glad I'd cried off tomorrow's competition.

The mini-platform has been delivered so we can actually reach the bedroom ceiling to paint it, but LH is still waiting for all his fillering-in work to dry properly before we start throwing paint around. I'm happy to procrastinate; it wouldn't do to be rushing things, would it? ;-)

Quilting this evening, plus a trial run for little Christmas presents for sewing friends. Not sure about those yet ...

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