A Piece Of My Brain

I've said it before and I'll say it again; the Japanese health service is outstanding. 

I have been fighting a cold since the end of last week and it got much worse after Sunday's marathon, so I gave in and took the day off from work today. My local doctor, Doctor Onishi, is a marvel. He very quickly diagnosed my symptoms and prescribed me medicine. Kazuko had the bright idea of taking the results of my annual health check for him to see. He was immediately concerned by the high cholesterol figure, so he sent me upstairs to get an M.R.I. scan of my brain.The scan revealed that two arteries in my brain are starting to develop blockages. That is a result of the cholesterol. So, from now on I am going to stop eating chocolate and sweets, cut down on eggs and take multi vitamin tablets every day. It is lucky that I don't eat the meat of land animals, don't smoke, don't drink alcohol and take plenty of exercise, otherwise this matter could have been a lot more serious.

I will go back in January for a second M.R.I. to see if my changed diet has yielded positive results. If not, then the doctor will prescribe me some medicine.

I am not too bothered about giving up chocolates and sweets. I was planning on cutting down to try and decrease my waistline anyway; this has given me a big incentive. Luckily, I have always been an "eat to live" person rather than a "live to eat" person and I am sure that by January I will be a slimmer, healthier person and the medication will not be necessary. It was Doctor Onishi who advised me to have my gall bladder removed in order to avoid it becoming cancerous after giving me a free M.R.I. Since then, I have been free of the I.B.S. that caused me so much pain for all my life. Today's M.R.I. was also free of charge and so I am looking forward to an equally positive result.

Japanese doctors rock!

New Life

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