PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

You talkin to me?

Nelson shows off his mature, composed look for the camera. Moments earlier he had thrown all self control out of the enclosure and was madly wrestling with David and Dorle. So lovely to see happy, playful bears in this group. Arkte has rejoined the group which has definitely upset the balance again. It's too soon to tell if the hormonal implant will work, but fingers crossed!

Its day 5 of wet, dreary weather. Not so fun for us but the bears were making the most of it. The juvenile moon bear group were almost trying to dig themselves to China - particularly Isis, if you'd like to check her out. She was working hard on a particularly large hole! S. describes her as one of our "80's Hair Bears" - so very very true. She almost looks to have a mullet!

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