
By Islaynder

Running late

I was under the impression that I was working 10am - 7pm today and was OK with that.  This morning I received a link to the company's shift-booking system and had had a play with it.  I noticed that I was only booked for the 10-2:30 shift.  Oh well, I must have been mistaken.  On the plus side I'd have time to get out for a run before dark and during the the quiet times at work plotted a new route up Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Crags. 
Unfortunately I was on a phone call till 2:45 and then, as I was leaving, I bumped into the three colleagues I started with.  I was under the impression (you seeing a pattern here?!!) that we were all on the same shift pattern but they were on their lunch break!    So I did the proper thing and went back in to check with my manager what shifts he thought I was working.  He agreed with me. So I was free.   But now it was nearly three of the clock and half an hour later before I got home and by the time I was heading out for my run it was only 15 minutes till sunset.  So, plan aglay!   I ran anyway but within a few minutes I knew my body wasn't working right.  I went up by Hunters Bog to the bottom of the zig-zag steps up Arthur's Seat but that's as high as I got.  I just trotted home by a very convoluted route from there to to rack up a few K. 
(ElP - part of the route looks like the silhouette of a rabbit! (see FB)   The C&B is a work in progress!).     

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