Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


Last night was a bit more challenging - Henry seems to have picked up another tummy bug and was awake with tummy ache and had horrible diarrhoea this morning. He's been a bit grumpy all day, not helped by me taking him for a haircut or trying to dress him up for our family Christmas card - which was abandoned in the end because he was crying so much he turned purple!

Today's movember picture was more challenging than last year, partly because his nose was dripping which made the crayola pen run and partly because he wouldn't smile or sit still despite my usual tricks.

Neil and I are going to one of his work Christmas parties tonight - really not looking forward to it as no one other than Neil and his company MD bother to talk to me and I just want to have an early night, but I've been promised we only have to stay for 2 hours.

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