Shot in the Dark

Packed up my camera gear from 'The Wall' and a no show on anything, anything at all. Said goodbye to Jill aka JDO  and set off, only to be tapped on my window: there was a harrier but it came and went. 

So, I trundled homewards, went round the bend and up the road and I saw a Shortie! 

Tilly from her heated seat looked a bit miffed as I dropped the window on her side of the car to get a better look, then I realised it was so close it had to be an up and out situation! A couple of cars too had stacked behind me and we stood there in the gloom watching this magnificent shortie coursing over the field. 

ISO screaming and when someone said , 'Oh you must have got some fab shots?!!' I didn't disagree but didn't actually say, 'What? In this light?' Fab to see but not a photographer's dream! Glad though, as this is all I had on camera. It was a lot darker than it looks here... a lot darker! Sorry Jill! :)

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