Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Trivial pursuits

We spent the morning preparing for the work quiz on Tuesday week. This is always more of an endeavour than you think it is going to be, not least when you start getting perfectionist about the presentation (in my amateur way). We paused for one of the finest home cooked vegan breakfasts ever; between TSM’s smoky aubergine bacon and my vegan hollondaise we were definitely in greasy spoon master chef territory,

When putting together quiz questions there are inevitably disagreements about what is too easy, too hard, too obscure, too specialist etc. Last time out I asked what I thought was a very simple question about London - which is the only station where you can exit on either side of the Thames? - but for some reason most of my audience never went to London. So it was deemed esoteric.

We did make a trip into town to get some little bits - more for the fresh air than because we needed to - but whilst we were there The DIzzle developed an urgent and pressing need for pine nuts. Sounds like something out of “Overheard In Waitrose” but we managed to oblige him.

My creativity is at something of an all time low (photographically) at the moment. Reading back down the years it seems that you inevitably go through cycles. I am planning to go up to The Smoke tomorrow so hopefully that will rekindle the eye in eyecatching. I feel a South Bank blip coming on ... in the meantime you will have to do with three measures in the shape of cats. As trivial pursuits go it doesn’t get much more trivial than that ...

Yoga mama on a steady recovery path down under. Fingers crossed it is speedy and complete.

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