Makeshift Trampoline

A cold and breezy day, dull and overcast.  It has been dry.  A really calm night, and feels warmer outside.

I was up early, and had breakfast with the family.  Lottie got to open all her birthday pressies, and plenty of gifts to spoil her.  A family walk in the morning, while Julie and Ingram prepared Lottie's birthday lunch.  Roast mutton for lunch with the family, including Andrew-Magnie and Merle, and then had to head off to catch my ferries.  After tea, mam and dad popped by for a cuppa.  I've been to a squad meeting tonight, and making good progress.  Feet up by the fire now. 

A cold and breezy morning walk, but always a delight to spend time with the family.  We were the most northerly family in the UK, and the views looked out over the northern cliffs in Unst, and towards Muckle Flugga lighthouse.  There's also plenty of old abandoned military building about too, and this old fence made a fine attraction for a makeshift trampoline.  Anna on the left, and birthday girl Lottie on the right.  Taken at the back of Saxavord, Unst. 

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