A Dog's Dinner

By G

Dog on the sofa...

...or is it a settee, maybe a couch? Britain is the only country where you can pinpoint social background by what people call their furniture.

After an eventful and extremely busy week, although Joe had even more meetings than me, BB and yours truly have settled down to a G&T to be followed by a classic film. Tonight were starting a Gene Hackman season with Bonnie and Clyde where he plays Clyde's brother. Lets see if it can stand up after 45 years.

I remember cutting about Govan just after the film was released, in a flat cap, or bunnet, Oxford bags, waistcoat, pink shirt with brass collar bar and brogues thinking I looked like CW Moss when I just looked like an eejit.

So tonight we'll all snuggle up on the settee and just appreciate the performances.

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