Porth gynt bwysig

Porth gynt bwysig ~ Formerly important portal

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Mae'r thema arferol: mae pethau yn newid, ac rydyn ni'n gallu gweld olion y bywyd blaenorol yma ac yno.  Dyma ddrws sydd yn byw ail fywyd fel hysbysfwrdd. Rydw i'n meddwl roedd hi'n arfer rhoi roedd yn arfer rhoi mynediad i'r rheilffordd. Efallai yn oed stêm, oherwydd mae pibellau diddorol gerllaw.  Pwy sy'n gwybod?

Mewn newyddion arall, rhedais i am 28 munud am y tro cyntaf y bore 'ma. Rydw i wedi estyn fy nghylched i dal i fod yn cerdded a rhedeg o ddrws i ddrws. Ces i fy synnu pa mor bell oedd hi'n bosib ei gael mewn llai na hanner awr.

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It's the usual theme: things change, and we can see the remains of the previous life here and there. Here's a door that lives a second life as a notice board. I think it used to give access to the railway. Perhaps in the age of steam, because there is interesting pipework nearby. Who knows?

In other news, I ran for 28 minutes for the first time this morning. I have extended my circuit to still be walking and running from door to door. I was surprised how far it was possible get in less than half an hour.

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