Fork goodness sake

Nate and I spent the morning at a local centre run by a lady who's joined church...she set it up so different churches and groups could run activities out of it...we went and nattered with her & talked about possibilities. We'd gone because a local supermarket is closing down and giving her all their stock, she'd said to 24-7 to come take what could be useful for different people we know... unfortunately the food never showed up and the contact disconnected their not sure what's gone on there.
We also bought a tumble dryer today!! A few weeks ago someone gave money specifically for us to get one to make washing and drying the homeless guys clothes an easier task in the winter months (Ibiza is an incredibly damp island...jeans can in theory never dry in the winter)! We've done our research and found what we needed - I felt like a proper grown up ordering it!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha coming home from school excited that there's a new girl in her class!! In her class of 22 there have only been 4 girls til today. Even better the new girl is on Asha's table & they like each other!
2) The gift of a tumble dryer
3) A lovely afternoon playing with the kids whilst Danny was in prison.

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