Elf & Santa.

Went to Porthcawl this morning, as J wanted to go to the hobby shop. It was tipping down, and much too wet to walk up to the harbour, so I went into a coffee shop, read the paper, and watched the rain bouncing off the pavement. I ventured out,  and walked up the main street. It was like a ghost town, with most sensible people staying indoors. It was too wet to get my camera out, so I took this in the relative shelter of the entrance to the museum. By the time J phoned, although I had a waterproof coat on, my trousers were slightly wet, and I was glad to get in the car. We decided to go to Parc Slip, for a coffee & some sandwiches as we haven't been there for ages. By the time we got home, surprise surprise, it stopped raining.  

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