A Widow’s Solace

Here you see a widow’s solace! A friend and neighbour knows what keeps the spirits up (no pun intended)after a bereavement. I haven’t got round to the gin so far, but the chocolates are disappearing fast.

I feel as though my head is a receptacle of mush as I try to contact various bodies by phone, who tell me after I have listened to endless muzak what a random collection of forms and identifications I need before I proceed. For the life of me I cannot find our marriage certificate and I’m beginning to wonder.........perhaps I’ve never really been married......... To prove I have, I’ve sent away for a copy. The proof of the pudding will be in the receiving of it.

However between His Lordship’s daughter and me, we have arranged his funeral and I feel a lot lighter in mind and purse for having done that. It’s open house folks, but don’t all rush.... the catering won’t cope afterwards.
Sandy always wanted a big party afterwards, particularly as he wouldn’t have to be there, but we have tempered it a bit.

Now where’s that gin?
I’ve just discovered that the bouquet of flowers yesterday from 17 year old grandson Seb, was bought with his dinner money... more tears.

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