
By Islaynder


Here Skugg
Lies snug
As a bug
In a rug.

The little guy didn't make it.  

And he was really little compared to the super-heavyweight squirrels I met in the Botanic Gardens today!  

Oh, I had a funny encounter with a gardener at the Botanics - coincidentally, also squirrel related.   I saw a lady with a long pole, sort of waggling it at a tree.  There was a squirrel on the tree apparently evading the lady's advances!   I thought she was trying to catch it (I'd heard previously that they do this and "send them away on holiday" - probably from someone with children!) and that there would be a noose, like dog catchers use, at the end.   When I got close enough to get the detail I saw that there was a HUGE PAIR OF SCISSORS at the end!   
Well, I'd already concluded that she was AFTER the squirrel so, for a fleeting moment, thought she was trying to chop it's head off! 
Fleeting.  VERY fleeting.  But it amused me!   
And amused her too when I shared my vision of her being a squirrel decapitator!        

I've cultivated a heavy cold over the past few days.  Fortunate that I wasn't meant to be working as I'd have to have called in sick.  The new job involved interviewing over the phone so it would have been impossible.  Or, at least, extremely frustrating for all concerned!

Blip. I dug this bottle of cough remedy in the archives today.  I guess these things have a fairly long shelf life (many years?) so I think it's a measure of how long it's been since I last had a cold.  Just a couple of days back in an office environment and ACHOO!  ...snort...   ...sniffle... ...cough... 

The way I'm feeling right now it'll be ME that expires on 1 DEC 2018.

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