
I'll probably end up dyamoing it at some point but just in case the fatter tyres become wise before I get round to it the sparebike is now commute-enabled with sufficient lights to be legal on the road. One of them if the converted front light which requires a pair of wires to be wound back along the top tube to the battery holder in the under-saddle lock-bag but it's still a light and possibly one which could be powered via a dynohub if I wanted to split the cost of hub and associated lighting across a couple of months. I'll need to properly fit the permanent rear light onto the mudguard at some point (in the absence of any suitable tubes anywhere where they wouldn't be concealed by the wingpiglet's seat or a pannier) unless I can find the bit of plastic tubing I used to use on the properbike, which went missing shortly after being removed after I fitted the rear dynamo light to the rear mudguard.

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