
Down to London today for a two hour meeting. Over the fourteen years I've had my own business, I've never balked at a client request for a meeting; I don't want them thinking that the fact we're based in the provinces makes us provincial!

And trips to London usual enable me to do a bit of socialising, too: I still have a lot of friends in the capital. Today, I was able to have lunch with my brother, so I went to meet him at his office on St James' Square. In the centre of the square is this large bust, which reminds me of the cover of an old science fiction novel, although I can't remember who it was by. Asimov, maybe?

And after the meeting I met up with my friend, Hugh, whom I haven't seen for years but who was one of the first people I ever went running with and with whom I worked on one of the most intense but satisfying projects I ever did in my freelance days. It was great to see him and, as with all good friends, we just seemed to pick up where we left off, whenever that was!

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Reading: "Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant" by Anne Tyler. (Not quite so much of a page-turner as Robert Galbraith!)

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