Pandemic Legacy, Season 1, May

Well, I can be very short about this first game in may : short and not good, it took just over 2 turns for us to loose the game, which is a new record.

Tarek played the new character the Colonel, Leander the Quarantine Specialist, Hannes the Operations Expert and I the Dispatcher. Kobe was absent due to homework.

We chose the Colonel because he can remove faded figures from the board, and we anticipated a lot of work there. Before he is able to do so, there must be a military base in the area. He can also pass roadblocks (another new feature) without spending a card. Last, he needs 2 aditional cards to discover a cure.

If there is a military base in the region you can now build roadblocks, diseases and faded cannot spread due to outbreaks alone those routes blocked.

Last new feature : when Darwing player cards (2 at the end of everyone’s turn) you have to place a faded figure if the card matches a COdA-city. This made us chose the Colonel.

Problem was that at the beginning of the game we had a lot of red cubes on the board and we waited to long to do anything about them, concentrating on the faded. When we finally did do something about it (mind, still only in round 2), the black disease crept up behind our backs and pushed the outbreaks level to high, with us looking the game.

Top tip for this game : don’t spend to much time on the faded, they cannot be helped, put more time in the other diseases and move fast.

Next try on may is 18/12

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