Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto

Dragline Excavator

We visited our friend who lives between us and Leeds. We had already arranged to visit the St Aidan's RSPB reserve so after a cup of coffee we set off to drive there. It was very windy as a result of Storm Diana but at least it wasn't raining. After a chat to the wardens in the visitor centre we set off for a 3 mile walk. We had been gone about 10 minutes when the heavy rain arrived. We decided that we wouldn't have a chance of seeing any birds as they would be hunkered down out of the wind and rain so we turned back to eat our lunch at the visitor centre.

As we left, having decided not to chance walking and getting caught out again, the sun broke through. The reserve is on an old coal board site and this 'walking' dragline excavator was right by the car park.

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