
By tookie

Cowboy's Windchime

Close up of a doggie wind chime I bought quite awhile me it resembled Cowboy and his joyful spirit...saw some droplets on it today so I had to blip it as it was nothing but a day FULL of droplets. Tons of rain going on here in the Pacific NW!

A funny Cowboy story --last night Big R was munching on some "holiday" colored taco chip and dipping them into some lite sour cream dip. He took a munching moment out to go into the kitchen and fetch a drink. Cowboy wasted no time...even beat the food obsessed Sadie lab mix and grabbed the sour cream container. When Big R returned, Cowboy's long nose was stuck down in the sour cream contained and he was running around the living room---Cowboy probably had not expected the dip to be Chipolte either! A hilarious site, none the less, and once the container was pulled from his nose it was the end of the dip!

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