
By Islaynder


Mum has insisted that she want's nothing from me for Christmas (because I'm  fucking skint financially challenged at the moment) but that's really not an option as far as I'm concerned.  She'll get something whether she likes it or not!    I found a hitherto unknown charity bookshop recently so decided to visit it today.  It's in a "nice" area of town so I hoped I pick up an interesting book about Scottish rural history.  And I did.    But when I got home and looked at it again I thought, "Oh crap - I've already given her this book".   I googled the author and I THINK this is a different book.  Mum would be far too gracious to say if it wasn't so I'll have to check her library! 

As I waited for a bus to that shop I popped into a local charity shop and was delighted to get a copy of H is for Hawk.       

My cold has moved quickly on to the irritating cough phase which is usually the last for me.  I'll be back to my usual 80% by Saturday! 

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