Fading of the light at sunset

A very quick blip today. I have been listening to the very exciting and remarkable rugby union gave this afternoon when England beat New Zealand, quite comprehensively, which isa rare event. I was sorting out some extra images of the nuthatch which I blipped yesterday, (worth a look at my Blipfolio if you liked yesterday's shot, showing it eating a seed and a nut!), when I looked up and out of the window.

The sun was setting over the ridge of Rodborough Common, above the hamlet of Butterow, which Woodpeckers blipped two days ago. I couldn't resist a couple of shots, even though I had decided not to blip today or tonight as we are going out to Angela's for a bring and share supper.

We were up rather late last night and I am feeling like a siesta now, but I think it is too late. Woodpeckers has beaten me to it and has been out like light for a couple of hours already!

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