When I woke at 5am and looked out it was actually dry, and as we were meant to have rain all day I thought I would get my walk. I decided to take a photo of the loch from the top road , as through the week you could not walk there, it is a narrow road over a bridge with traffic lights and no path.
I would have loved to get a sunrise, but no chance of that is it was grey and misty. I actually made it home before the rain came on and although it has been mild it has been showery all day. I made my cranberry sauce today, and then cleaned out the chickens as it was overdue. They are on deep litter so it took awhile. Now got the new bark down and they are having a great time in it.
Pretty tired now so going to make a nice cup of tea as it is now pouring.
Hope the weather is better for you.
My extra is actually a flooded field on the way home.

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