Heralding the Dawn

This was the view from the door this morning as I went for the papers just before 8am. Oman daughter was jetting in from Muscat via Schipol and due to land in Edinburgh at 8:25am so I wondered if she had had an even better view of the sunrise from her seat in the sky. It appeared to her as a slow dawn with a gradual diffusion of colour from pale pink to deep red, heralding a day with blue skies that at this time of year have a certain iciness to them. Not a cloud to be seen, and although it felt very, very chilly that was much more welcome to me than the recent grey skies and constant rain.

We repaired to Söderberg for breakfast which lasted so long it almost became lunchtime and time for a quick visit to the gym by me as a penance for eating all those chocolate and finishing most of 2 bottles of raspberry liqueur. I learned early on in Physics that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Oh my goodness too true!

Oman daughter meanwhile is out trawling the charity shops in the hope of finding some article of clothing respectful for Friday. We forgot to ask His Lordship what he wanted people to wear. It could be that I am the only one in the family not wearing black.

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