
Flat calm, a bit chilly, but bright and clear.  Too good to be indoors for a minute longer than needed!  Ollie and I went to see B and she came for a walk with us.  It's a big thing for her, as she has dementia and doesn't like losing sight of her husband, even for a short time, but she is very fond of Ollie!  She linked my arm and we had a lovely walk along the old road, chatting and laughing the while.  Her husband was really pleased that she'd agreed to go with us, and suggested we do it again, weather permitting.

Ollie retired to his bed when we got home, so I let the sleeping dog lie and Mike and I took our electric bikes out for a run.  It was very cold but great fun!  Cycled round to have a look at Peridot, still safely at her mooring at the head of the bay, then back via the Sandwick road.  It took about an hour, but would have taken a lot longer without battery assistance!  

A wonderful day - the weather today made up for all the recent gales and heavy rain!

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