
By Mindseye

Light painting

We slept until 10am this morning....couldnt believe the time when I looked at the clock!!
Needless to say by the time we were up and ready, we skipped breakfast, popped to the papershop, walked back the long way, getting home after midday.

Soup and a sandwich for lunch, I spent the afternoon downloading my photos pre and from during our holiday, filing them takes an absolute age, but its done now.....just the editing and filtering out the duds to go! Hub was clearing away all the leaves that have fallen during our months absence.......loads, as you can imagine!

I made a quick thai chicken curry with rice for dinner, before going to Camera Club, which I was looking forward to, as the email I had whilst away stated we were going to " have a play" with light-trails :-)

It was fun, got some really good colourful shots........so easy too, now I know what I am doing ;-)

Todays blip is the one I like best.......a bit of an infinity symbol, if you use your imagination :-)
Ive put snother one in extras too.

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