The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Pinch punch...

...first day of the month. And the first time I have ever beaten you to the pinch and punch - you can't rely on the six-hour time difference to get away from me beating you!

Such a busy day...a mini lie-in, out by half six to walk on very frosty roads and paths. Nice to catch up with you on FaceTime whilst I ate my egg whites, then I hit the gym and did loads of those pull ups with my big elastic band - it is so cool! In to town, munched my breakfast number two in the car before I met Debs for coffee and then started the little bit of Christmas shopping I have to do. Food shop in Waitrose, petrol and home to say hello to you again. Out to walk the hounds and deliver the local newsletter, then weekly veg prep and washing on..just finished dinner and now, finally, time to put my feet up and enjoy my once-a-week television slot...SCD and X Factor, then bed for 9pm!

And whilst I am watching the TV, these two are snuggled under their blanket...Pippa thinks they should be allowed in front of the fire...! ;0) x

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