No shoes

While CyclopsJnr was at nursery MrsCyclops went to Schuh, M&S, Clarks and John Lewis to check out the winter shoe selection for children. Not inspired. So after nursery she took CyclopsJnr along to independent shoe shop Treehouse. They had loads, but only three pairs to fit CyclopsJnr. He has wide toes and narrow ankles. CyclopsJnr liked one of the pairs but they were not sturdy enough for his lifestyle. MrsCyclops did not like the other two pairs. Most pre school shoes are just horrible. CyclopsJnr was not keen to leave without shoes, especially the pair he liked.

MrsCyclops has since ordered a pair from Start Rite in a size she hopes will fit based on the measuring at Treehouse and in a style that might be classified 'best of a bad lot'. 

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