Gyllyngdune Gardens

This morning consisted of chores - cooking breakfast, swimming lessons, Asda shop and so on. As the sun was shining we decided to drive to the sea front so that the big 2 could see if they could run a mile - they are wanting to do the Santa Run. Ben jogged with the big 2 and Lily on her bike. I wandered along with a unusually grumpy Red who was cross at being left behind and wouldn't ride HIS bike!

On the way back I took them all up to the Princess Pavillions for a cuppa. They played in the little park then ran riot around Gyllyngdune Gardens. We got home in time for a quick turnaround to get the big 2 to Josh's birthday party at the bowling alley. Ben and I followed with the little 2 once we'd put up the new kitchen lights. Red had an absolute scream bowling and loved every second of his game with Lily.

Home again for Chinese takeaway and very old Halloween Strictly in front of the fire!

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